Best of 2011- The Singles List on December 15, 2011 2011 A Terrible Splendour Austra Brett Anderson Duran Duran PJ Harvey Section 25 Singles Round Up Still Corners The Horrors The Ropes The Singles List Twin Shadow +
WAW: Geneva Jacuzzi- Clothes on the Bed on September 07, 2011 2011 Experimental Geneva Jacuzzi Synth Pop WAW +
80's Duets: David Sylvian & Sakamoto Ryuichi- Forbidden Colours on June 12, 2011 1983 2011 David Sylvian Duets +
80' Duets: The The & Sinead O'Connor- Kingdom of Rain on April 12, 2011 1989 2011 Duets Sinead O' Connor The The +
80's Duets: Bananarama & Fun Boy Three- "Really Saying Something" on February 12, 2011 1982 2011 Bananarama Duets Fun Boy Three Terry Hall +