Exotic Club is an electronic dance duo consisting of Simon Lowzy and Rémi Rose. Since 2010, Simon and Rémi have been travelling back and forth from their home town of Paris, France to their new residence of choice Portland. Exotic Club's goal is to make noisy, synth infused, dance tracks that embraces the cryptic irony of pop in favor of a darkly dangerous apathy. Their style melds the energy of post-punk, the experimental aspects of noise, the raw emotion of dark disco and cold wave, and the primal rage of punk and rap core.
They are currently engaged in the production of a series of singles and music videos. The previous release Memories, a 2 track mini EP, was released on Romance Moderne, a Belgian label based in Brussels. Their latest track "Stars, Asteroïds, Moons and Comets" was recently premiered on Soundcloud and there is certainly more to come.