The original idea for Record Store Day was conceived by Chris Brown, and was founded in 2007 by Eric Levin, Michael Kurtz, Carrie Colliton, Amy Dorfman, Don Van Cleave and Brian Poehner as a celebration of the unique culture surrounding over 700 independently owned record stores in the USA, and hundreds of similar stores internationally.
This is the one day that all of the independently owned record stores come together with artists to celebrate the art of music. Special vinyl and CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and hundreds of artists in various countries across the globe make special appearances and performances. Metallica officially kicked off Record Store Day at Rasputin Music in San Francisco on April 19, 2008 and Record Store Day is now celebrated the third Saturday every April.
Here is our selection of some of the fines records released today:
Arcade Fire- Sprawl II Ready to Start
Simple Minds- Theme for Great Cities (Moby Remix)
The Black Angels- Watch Out Boy
Belle And Sebastien- Crash
Beach House- Lazuli
Public Image Ltd- One Drop
Kate Bush- Lake Tahoe
Neon Indian- Hex Girlfriend
School of Seven Bells- Kiss Them for Me
Dirty Beaches/ Xiu Xiu- Tu Ne Dis Rien
Richard Hell and the Voidoids- Blank Generation
O Children- PT Cruiser
Richard Hell and the Voidoids- Blank Generation
O Children- PT Cruiser