Pink Industry was a duo of former Pink Military vocalist Jayne Casey and bassist Ambrose Reynolds. Casey Jayne and her brood of mates would become one of the first gaggle of youths which would fly the flag of the 'new wave' in the City of Liverpool in the mid to late 1970's. Already tuned in to what was happening regarding new music and styles from New York-past and present, Casey was ready to open eyes and ears as well as ruffling the feathers of many a passer-by in the city center with her creative and outrageous flair in clothes, hair and make-up.
After Pink Military ended, Casey
joined up with bassist/keyboardist Ambrose Reynolds (a one time member of
Frankie Goes to Hollywood), adding a guitarist after the first album, and
continued to evade commercial success as Pink Industry. Inhabiting and
exploring an original world of sound and vision, Pink Industry continued in the
path that Pink Military was headed during their brief existence. The group
combined the "anything goes" spirit of post-punk with further use of
experimental electronics. Pink Industry sounded something like Siouxsie Sioux
fronting Japan, using bits of guitar, bass, drums, electronics and found audio
to weave a fascinating soft cushion for Casey's plain vocals.